I'll try to get this going. We have some property in N. Georgia that is very steep so there just is no place to plant a garden of any size. I would like to try and grow some tomatoes for the first time and this is my solution. Recently I have taken a bank and terraced an area by digging it out with the backhoe and adding a stone retaining wall on the low side. The end result is an area roughly 8'x12' that will be next years tomato garden.

I would like any suggestions on how to prep the soil for planting next spring. What I have done so far is to take our new garden patch and add 12 cubic feet of Peat Moss mixed with the best soil I could find in the area. The total of Peat Moss and new soil gives me a layer of about 12" of new garden bed. Should I be adding any kind of fertilizer at this time? Would it be better to plant some winter rye to turn under in the spring or mulch up leaves this fall and add to the soil mix?

Thanks for the advice.
