I have a low-pitch roof and have annual ice buildup during the winter months. It is a shingled roof and is only 5 years old (prior to my purchase). The previous owner put heat tape all over the edge which works to some extent but is not a fix.

I have talked with a few builders in the area and they stated that they would go with a rubber roof (almost exclusively). One stated that I should increase the pitch and add about 2 to 3 feet to the peak. Guess he needed a fall new roof project. [img]/forums/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

There are only a couple of people in the area that do rubber roofs and they will not be able to do it this year. Thus, I started looking for homeowner products that would work.

I came across this Sani-tred product. It looks lika a commercial product but available for the general public.
Here is the url: Sani-tred Roofing product

Has anyone heard of it? Tried it? Any info or alternative products would be most welcome.

Thanks in advance.
