Thanks Pat,
The two I am looking at so far are both from HD. One is the Weldpack 100 and the other is the Weldpack 3200. They both seem like I can plug them into a normal wall socket as long as it is at least 20 amps.

If I read it correctly, the two units would operate about the same except that the 3200 might weld slightly heavier. Or am I missing something here?

I sure don’t mind welding slower if I have to make additional passes. On the other hand, if I can get the 3200 and it will make a difference then I would spend the extra. Or….is this the line where I should then find someone else to do the heavy welding?

Sorry for being so ignorant on this......

And thanks for the advice on the helmet. I will just take off the welding helmet and put a face shield on when I grind. And also the heads up about a fire.

Slow and safe is a good way for me to go......
