I fail to see much difference in the trend of city folk not wanting to actualy live in the city, moving to the country, but demanding city services and NO funny smells, noise, or dust


The early frontier days when the white settlers (and a handful of blacks) moved into the "country neighborhoods" previously occupied sporadically by nomadic indians and proceed to change the previous occupants way of life. The indians sure didn't like being forced to change, having their food supply eradicated, being treated like weeds.

Well, I'm not claiming just desserts, I'm issueing a wake up call! Look what happened to the indians at the hands of the "next wave." Many country folk like to idealize self reliance but going it on your own in this day and age against this enemy is a sure fire way to defeat. We need to band together in common cause so that when you pick on one rural landowner you are picking on many (aspire to all) rural landowners.

I don't know where you stand on the NRA, pro or con but you can't deny the success demonstrated by banding together for the preservation of their view of constitutional rights. As long as country folk remain essentially isolationist and decry the terrible things happening to the other guy, there is no real protection to prevent its happeninig to you. Tongue clicking and roliing of eyes to heaven to signal displeasure is NOT likely to stop the steam roller from getting you when the city slickers decide you have something they want or the y want to stop yo from doing something they don't like.

Right and fair doesn't enter into it. They will do what they want if they can and they certainly can if they go after rural folks one at a time with imminent domain, zoning, taxes, and any other weapons at their disposal. Your status isn't going to remain quo for long if the BEAST catches your scent and starts after you.

Even poor dumb beasts of the field, like cattle for instance, know to form a circle and lower their heads to form a protective ring of horns around the herd for the common good.

Harang off//

OK, have a sip of your favorite anesthetic and tune in your favorite televised sport, the deputy isn't nailing a proclamation on your door, right now.

Patrick (putting on my flame proof long handles)