Well, 18 baby chicks (Rhode Island Reds) arrived two days ago. 18 pullets, 1 cockeral & cute as can be. [img]/forums/images/icons/ooo.gif[/img] Their brooder is a large box, heated with a lamp ... until the power went out. The temperature dropped, they started huddling & I started worrying about keeping them warm. [img]/forums/images/icons/frown.gif[/img] Bringing them in the house wouldn't help as the house uses electric heat too. I tried a chemical hand warmer, but it was too small to really help (one chick liked it). I finally figured out to boil water on the gas stove & put the hot water in bottles in the brooder. The radiant water heat kept the brooder around 75 degrees, with several chicks snuggling against the bottles. The chicks didn't like the dark, but they were warm. Power returned hours later and all are well. [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I'm curious as to other heating methods used in emergencies? Any of tips for new chicks?