So, Spring Break is here. The kiddies go off to the beach and I get to put in a patio. I've got my base material, what they call "road surface" around here, which is 1" and smaller, to dust. Going to put in a 4" base of this, well tamped with a plate vibrator, 1-2" of sand, and then pavers, like the unipaver stuff. I'm doing the excavating, but I notice that there's a distinct "valley" down the middle of the area. It is deep enough at one end that I wouldn't have to remove anything there, if not for the turf. Should I fill that area with dirt before putting in the base and establishing the slope? I have enough base material to just fill it in with that, but I was thinking I might get a wet spot there if water soaked through the base and collected, as the dirt is somewhat clay-like. I plan to build in a 1" in 4' slope, so maybe I'm worrying about nothing?
