<font color="blue"> there is no substitute for "smart guys around a table." All the tools in the world won't make someone a craftsman </font color>


I couldn't agree with you more. Believe me when I tell you that I never even for an instant thought that a $9 investment in software was ever going to preclude using a professional designer or architect. My one and only goal in this was to get something down on paper (or phospher, as it were) so that I could make some changes and modifications and get some idea as to what I think I want and why.

Honestly, my 'finished product' will only be the first step beyond the blank page (or screen) for the next guy. In truth my approach to the pro will probably be something along the lines of "Here's what I think I want. Tell me why I won't or why it can't be done." Then, once we pass that stage, I'll shift to "OK, now tell me how you think it can be better and why." I think something like this has to be a collaborative effort for it to be successful.

Since I have a basic idea of what I want (including some 'quirky' things just for me (e.g. larger doorways, base cabinets on 6" risers, two clothes dryers, etc.) it just made a lot of sense to me to go ahead and at least get some basics done.