Our season was so wet this year that I didn't plant as much as usual. Two weeks after memorial day we finally planted in the mud hoping that it would dry off. It never did. My garden has had that wet soggy look all summer. After about 60 days the tater tops all died, dug them up only to find that the big ones were golf ball size. Tomatoes are now only golf ball size and are dying. Planted 18 cauliflower, Every one started to head nicely then rotted. Cucumbers, 2 hills 3 plants each produced 6 nice cucumbers, Now the small ones are rotting and the plants are dying. Yellow squash, 2 hills 2 plants each produced 2 very small squash, Now the plants are covered with some kinda green mold and the small squash are rotting. The green peppers never did start growing good, they are now 8 inches tall with peppers the size of marbles on them. The bright side is that we may get 4 decent cabbage, they havent bit the big one yet. This has been the worst garden ever.