Well I am the cook in the house. My wife does everything else inside the house and she does a great job. I do most of the cooking and most of the dishes.

Lately I've been feeling kinda blue because I can't get excited about much cooking. Basically I'm in a chef's rut. My family loves my staples and they seem to truthfully enjoy my attempts at new food. I am a homestyle cook like my mother, and hers before her. Nothing fancy I can't even spell Roux. But I get raves.

Anyway we went to a Pot Luck on New Years Eve. Hosted by the couple who run our store in the villlage. The dinner was in the Cabot Town Hall and was well attended(about 100 people)that is nearly 1/3 of the population of Walden, where the hosts live.

Man the ideas I stole that night. Anyway I had forgotten more home cooking and just the mere sight and smell of some of the old dishes got me thinking. So for 04 I'm a refreshed homestyle cook armed with tons of new recipes and old ones which are stuill the best.

All the best for everyone in 04

Cadillac Tony