<font color="blue"> Also you may want to consider buying American Standards for Nursery Stock ANSI Z60.1-1996. </font color>

You can get the 2004 version online for free in PDF.

ANLA Standard Z60.1-2004

meledward23: Do you have any opinions on trees grown with RootMaker products? In particular the knit fabric bags in the field.

B&amp;B trees lose so much of their root structure when dug out of the ground, where-as the rootbags retain a very high percentage of the roots, and have nearly 100% success when transplanting.

<font color="blue"> Two Years ago I was buying 100 River Birch at a time 24' in height for $80.00. </font color>

I would think that would be a tree of more than 4" caliper. $80? That can't be the norm for a typical 4" caliper tree. Was it that low in price because of the glutton of supply? Wouldn't a Quercus of 4" have a wholesale price over $200?

<font color="blue"> Most of the time growers are friends in these parts. </font color>

Your profile is blank, so I'm not sure what "these parts" mean.