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Thread: Skunk

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    TN., USA


    I have a new yard guest and it doesn't have house manners... [img]/forums/images/icons/ooo.gif[/img]

    I have been having problems the past 5-6 weeks of something leaving turds on my garage door stoop and haven't been able to figure out what it was. 3 days ago I bought a live trap thinking it might be a cat or racoon, possum... boy was I wrong [img]/forums/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Tonight I let my little boston out for his nightly business when there it was... a young skunk, maybe 2-3 mos old. Apparently in its search for its own territory, it has setup house in my yard, maby under my shed or something.. but I haven't smelled anything, not even when I first let out the dog. Well I'm sure you can figure out what happened... [img]/forums/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Dog in tow, 1 tomato and a tub of salsa (all I had) and to the tub we go... 30 mins later the dog smells ok but my bathroom stinks like skunk... sigh [img]/forums/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Now.... How do I take care of this little creature...? I really don't wish to kill it and if I trap it.. it will just begin spraying everything in sight... so what do I do now ? How do I convince the little fella to move on or will I have to trap it and destroy it ?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Skunk

    Good question. I don't know how you'd trap it without the skunk unleashing a foul smelling jihad.

    I know you hate to kill it, but I'd think some rat shot fired at close range (not too close) would take care of the problem safely. I keep some 9mm rat shot around for just this purpose.

    I have a skunk visiting my geese looking for eggs. I've been staking out the area for the past few nights, hoping to get an ambush.

  3. #3
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    Re: Skunk

    First, you can trap it, and it won't be spraying everything in sight.

    Next, you need a good plan to do something with it after it is in the trap.

    Are you where you can move the trap to a location where you can shoot it in the trap? I drag the trap, using a long wire, off to the far corner of my 22 acres, and shoot them. Some smell when they die, but it is not bad when dumping the skunk out a day later.

    You can cover the trap with a tarp, blanket, rug, whatever, and usually not get any spray from the skunk. Then wrap it and haul it to wherever. If in town, check with your officials. Drown the skunk by dropping the trap in a lake or river might be an option.

    Don't trap it on your doorstep. Do it at a distance, and plan the method of removal before the skunk is in the trap. [img]/forums/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    I meant to add:
    After cleaning up the scat left each night, wash the area and spray bleach around. I have found that it discourages them as they can't smell their old 'tracks' from the previous stay, and/or they dislike the smell of the bleach. This has worked well when similar problems over the years with my deck getting a deposit on a regular basis from either skunks or racoons. Neither survive if I can catch them. There are plenty to take their place, and that keep their distance. Around my house is off limits, for sure.

  4. #4
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    Re: Skunk

    It had dawned on me this morning that I haven't been seeing my pet frogs that usually hang out under the security light at my garage stoop but instead finding turds.
    It all fits now with a better understanding of the food chain and how all this evolved...
    The security light attracted the bugs which in turned attracted the toads (which are missing Funeral arrangments are pending),
    which has attracted the skunk (which isn't missing yet),
    which attracted Charlies attention (I almost wish he was missing for a few days),
    which attracted me to the situation that has resulted in a distinct odor that is embedded in my sinuses, the house and yes... Charlie still smells some. Sigh

    I can't tell what smells of skunk or not, but I will be making a trip into town later this morning and I will be getting all kinds of smell good products.

    The bad part of all this is that I'm supposed to have a little 4th of July BBQ Sunday.

    On a good note, this morning Charlie seems to be very responsive when I call him now... LOL

  5. #5
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    Re: Skunk

    Many years ago, when we were first married, my wife and I were assistant managers of a big apartment complex, with a big vacant field across the street grown up in weeds, brush, etc. One of our tenants had a poodle barking at the back door a little after midnight one night, the tenant opened the door to see what was out there, and the poodle charged out the door straight into a skunk. The tenant called me to ask what to do because she said the dog was so sick she was afraid it might die. And since the skunk was right at the open door when it happened, we had to move that tenant to another apartment and fumigate hers before she could move back in.

    So, I went to the Animal Control Division and got a trap. At that time, anyone could check out a trap from the city, bait and set it, and when you had something caught, they'd come get it. The trap had solid top, bottom, and sides but heavy screen on both ends so you could look through it from a distance. I baited it with sardines and if I remember right, caught 3 skunks; one at a tlime, of course. The guy who came to pick them up had a solid metal box that the trap would fit into, approached the trap from the side so the skunk couldn't see him, gently lifted the trap, placed it in the solid box, closed, and sealed the lid. There was about a 1" pipe welded into the top of that box with a cap on it. He just unscrewed the cap, poured in the chloroform, screwed the cap back on, and said the skunk would be dead by the time he got back to the office.

  6. #6
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    Re: Skunk

    Couldn't resist telling our last trapped skunk story. Was trying to trap our one millionth raccoon that was terrorizing my back porch nightly. We usually set the trap fairly far away from the house and they manage to find it eventually. Well, that didn't work, so we put it right by the porch in line with the back door. Woke up at 3:00 am smelling skunk big time. Went out. Yep, we had the raccoon AND a skunk! Don't know how on earth they managed that. Skunk was in first. Neither of them was real thrilled to be in there with the other. The skunk must have been spraying every time he could. There just wasn't a way out of that one. Had to shoot them both. What a mess. Wish I'd thought to take a picture of the two before their demise.

    Anyway, if you do set out a trap, I'd set it waaaaay away from the house. Good luck!

  7. #7
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    Re: Skunk

    Kind of water under the bridge at this point, but here's what I do for washing dogs that have been skunked. I've washed the same two 3 different times in the last year, so I hate to say it, but I'm getting kind of good at it.

    The mixture I use is 1 qt of hydrgen peroxide, 1/2 box of baking soda and about 1/4-1/2 cup of a good grease cutting dish detergent. The important thing to do is cut the skunk oil before it gets spread around, that's why the dish soap. It will still take you more than one washing, depending on how bad the dog was hit.
    Another thing I added (and this could still work for you, Handyman) is Downy fabric softener. When you think the dog is good and clean (of course you can't tell, though, because you will be smelling skunk yourself for a while) pour some of the softener on him, rub it in and let it sit for 10 minutes. DO NOT let your dog lick the softener. Keep your eye on him. Then rinse this off, too. They make about 6 different kinds and one has a nice strong, but good smell to it. So pick one you like the smell of. It's also a very good idea to put a drop or two of mineral oil in the dog's eyes before you start.

    Tomato juice is a thing of the past and I've also tried douches (yes, you read right), but they don't work as well on skunk smell as the other stuff.

    Here's a pic of the two always getting skunked. Their owner's have an invisible fence which works well on the dogs for keeping them in.... now if they could only train the skunks to stay out. [img]/forums/images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

    Good luck.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: Skunk

    What a sorry-looking pair! I could almost smell the skunk from your picture!!! [img]/forums/images/icons/smirk.gif[/img]
    Ian M.
    Transferred to Nova Scotia, retired at the end of June 2009!!! And bought a tractor!!!

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: Skunk

    There used to be a product named "Odor Mute" which was a natural enzyme that attacked the odorous substance and didn't try to mask it. It was disolved in water for use and was safe to get on your hands and a dog or whatever. The product was sold for deodorizing kennel runs and around hatcheries that have a terrible dead chick smell.

    Not sure if that trade name is still available but should be something like it.

    [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Pat [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    "I'm not from your planet, monkey boy!"

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Re: Skunk

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    What a sorry-looking pair! I could almost smell the skunk from your picture!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, the GSD always gets the worst of it. You would think they would learn.

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