I am talking to someone about coming out to my place and sawing some lumber.

He will commit to sawing my trees at $60 per hour. I am not sure if that is a good rate. He can justify it fairly well. But that at this point is not my concern.

I have a few questions about what to expect. I have asked him similar questions , but I would like to hear two sides. So here they are.

I have a 48" log of oak. He says he would need to quarter it and then produce 1" 4/4. What is 4/4 ? Secondly is this a good thing ? Am I better off at a larger mill that wont quarter it ?

In general if I have him say the would do I just request thickness ?
What is the best way to have the wood cut ?
How rough or fine should I expect the wood ?

Example: I have Sweetgum, he said that it makes good trim, is this true ? If so, what would I end up with from a Mill guy if I requested a Sweetgum to turned into trim Wood.

I can hear several retorts so here are my predicted answers:

1) Depends on what you wnat to do with the wood. I have two uses, A) I am building a house next year (Jan-Finish). I will use wood everywhere. Trim, floors and ceilings, stairs. b) I and building some rough shelters for my tractor, mower, and other tools.

2) How much or what king of wood ? Well I have about 30 8' 24" diamer long logs that are a mix of sweetgum, poplar, oak, and hickory. I have a prize 48" diameter 9' Water Oak. I have a 48" Diamter 100' tall Red Oak that needs to drop (still standing). I probably have several 24-36" Hickory that are 30'+ tall that will come down. So I have a lot of wood.

3) I could take this stuff to a mill. I have a 24' flatbed and a tractor. I can left most of the stuff (3500lbs) that 9' 48" wont budge though.....

Thanks for ya'lls experience and knowledge.