I have 5 acres and I know it is never going to make me rich or support me. The land is farm land, flat as a pankake and I fenced it it all. I want the land to work for me some and make some money. I have a tractor with a FEL and about a dozen implements. My wife and I both have lots of free time to work on whatever venture we decide on.

I have tried feeding cows, and about broke even after expenses. Just don't have enough land. I can plant wheat and haygrazer for hay and make about 100 square bales a cutting. They sell for $4, my neighbor charges $1 per bale to cut and bale, so I net $300 before I deduct my time in plowing, planting, seed, etc. Not really worth it.

I am hoping to find something I could do that would allow us to net around $1000/year with the 5 acres. Like I said I am not looking for it to support me, just would be nice to have the place pay its own property taxes. Any ideas?