Last year I purchased an 11 acre Christmas Tree Farm that had not been maintained very well. The gentleman I bought it from was quite elderly and just wanted out. He had not pruned or maintained the property very well for several years, so it was priced quite resonably. The trees (about 1500) have not been pruned in years and many are growing into each other---I don't believe they are saleable as Christmas Trees as they look awful, with double leaders and are very badly shaped. I figured I would go in and "thin the forest" to make as natural looking hillside tree forest as possible trying to get away from the "grove look" and then just let them grow. Is this a mistake?

There is such a wealth of knowledge here on CountryByNet that I am sure there are other possibilities that I have not explored.

Does anyone have any other ideas on what to do with this wonderful hillside property?

Thanks in advance....