Had to had raise an orphan goose several years ago. It was a chinese grey. Its mother had rejected it and it had gotten chilled pretty good so I tryed to save it and succeeded. It lived in a box in my room for a couple of weeks under a small heat lamp until it was well enough and old enough to put in a small pen on our porch. While it was young, I used to carry out to our garden with me when I was out there working and it would amble around tasting everything that looked interesting. Until it got bored or otherwise decided it was being paid enough attention then he would come over and sit on my foot.

I was surprised at how affectionate it became. It enjoyed being held and would sit in my lap as long as I would hold it and would tuck his head under my arm. He lived with the rest of the poultry but would come running when he spotted me outside. He also assumed the position as my personal bodyguard. He would allow nothing and no one near me...(except for a certain chicken, which is another story). My wife was tolerated but only for a short time and then he would try to run her off. If that didnt work he would come back beside me and sulk while continuing to hiss at her.

I was surprised at how attached I became to this goose.

I had to put him down not long ago though. He developed a spinal problem that eventually made it impossible for him to walk. As things progressed he became sicker despite the vets care so to end his suffering I had him put down.

I still have several other geese, but they are just geese. Am thinking of getting several come spring from the hatchery and raising a couple like I raised this one. This way I would have two pets and they would have each other for company when I wasnt around. Figure on getting a matched pair for raising more down the road.
