Hey all, I just wanted to say it is awsome to be living out in the boondocks. I grew up in the city. I am a SINGLE 32 yr. old male and just finished building my own home. I mean building it with my own two hands. It is not a shack but not a mantion either. Just a cozy 1200 sqft. I am all electric and now that I have accomplished this goal my next goal is to become totally Off Grid. My electric bill only runs about 30 dollars a month but it would be nice to say that I am self sufficent and rely on no outside sources. That would be awsome! I have a question though I have well water and have always lived in the city on the city water. I installed a electric tankless hot water heater in my new home and it works great. My water lines are PVC and they tend to get clogged up with what I think is shell or some sort of mineral deposits and this tends to stop the flow of hot water through my tankless heater. It does not happen to the cold water side. I installed a Filter in my well house before the water comes into my home but still it gets clogged up and then I have to drain all the water from my lines and use a blow gun attached to my air compressor and blow the lines out from different faucets around the house to get them unclogged. Well now my question has anyone came across a problem like this and if so can it be fixed and how? thank you. Oh by the way, I Did say I am SINGLE and looking for a good country gal.