That is a heck of a lot of info!! Thanks loads!!

Seems that a lot of stuff from CGL (crazy goat lady) has a hi die factor, not sure why, but got some chickens from there and about half of them have hit the burn barrel. About a week ago lost the first layer of ours of the year and some of them are quite old. So i am guessing they came with something, she was losing them as well and blaming the turkeys (who were attacking the chickens). They are in the chicken tractor yet so will not be infecting the others if there is anything.

Anyway, did find a good energy and nutrition drench for the future. Just do not remember the name offhand, but it came thru Fleet Farm.

Yes bird, i have done both ways with sheep. The syringe method usually involved with one or the other human part being wormed as well!! Have also been run over by 250# sheep during shots and hoofs and shearing time. The needle method was ok but a wriggling ewe can be a challenge. Learned to balance them just right on their tail, turned over and they will sort of faint. Not sure if they do that with goats.

The other 3 are doing just fine and know of a farmer that may be getting out of the business and has a good flock, time will tell. Right now getting the pen ready for pigs, another small experiment.