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Thread: Some rain

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    SouthCentral Oklahoma

    Re: Some rain

    My partially spring fed catfish pond is full and overflowing after getting nearly 3 1/2 inches this month. Some of the others are OK (down some but not dangerous) and a couple are danged low but not in imminent danger of drying out.

    We are still way behind in precip but... we are OK for a little while.

    The grass,what little there is, is greening up but there is less of it for this time of year than most anyone can remember. If we don't get more rain with few or no bad dry spells, all us little cow calf operations will be in danger of being wiped out. IF you have to buy supplemental feed when historically grass was available the economics will put you way in the hole in a hurry.

    I used to think it was a joke but now it is looking like a reality...

    The way to end up with $20,000 in your cattle account at the end of the season is to start with $40,000.

    "I'm not from your planet, monkey boy!"

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Nova Scotia,Canada

    Re: Some rain

    Flexible foresight! [img]/forums/images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

    Egon [img]/forums/images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    In the city now.

    Re: Some rain

    This rain added almost 2 feet to the pond level. We are still about 4 feet from full.

    We also have no grass worth mentioning. The cows are eating their hay (fed to them non-stop for nearly 2 years) but they want green. They have stripped every leaf they can reach, and have been pulling over sapling trees for those leaves normally out of their reach.

    A long-time cattleman told me they way to tell a real REAL cattle person from a hobbyist was- the person who really raises cattle HATES cattle. I don't even pretend to know much about cows, except that I can't stand 'em. I get some satisfaction every time I eat a burger!

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