Nowadays the backyard fire pit is more than a hole in the ground. Designs are not only modern but sophisticated and yet very affordable for the average person. Their popularity has increased tremendously especially within the last two years as we are now making our backyards into outdoor living rooms.

Safety of course is primary. First off, check your local city bylaws if you are even considering one to see what the restrictions and safety precautions you need to take. There are minimum distances required from the house and from trees. Next up, decide on the size and design features based on what is best suited for your needs and will enhance your home as well as the surrounding landscape. Are you just needing the warmth or ambience and are you cooking a few marshmellows as well? If you have a small yard, chimeneas are great as they are not as open and will keep the fire more contained.

Make sure you read the manufacturer's specifications as to how to use them as well, believe it or not this often gets overlooked!