Learning to get along with others is important, and homeschooling is a wonderful opportunity to provide social learning experiences that public schools don't provide. It all depends on the effort and time parents want to put into their children. If they network with others in their program, there are as many, if not more, opportunities for field trips and outings for homeschooled kids as there are for public school kids. The difference is that in public schools, the outings are usually with kids their own age, often only with the ones in their own class. Those who are homeschooled are often with kids whose ages vary. That provides an opportunity for them to learn how to get along with kids of varying ages.

Another benefit of homeschooling in the area of socialization is that parents can take their own children on outings that provide socialization with adults. The kids can join clubs and sports teams. The possibilities for socialization for homeschooled kids is endless, whereas public schools are rather limited.

I know this must sound like a commercial for homeschooling, but it's not meant to be. Socialization is very important for children and I'm just tired of hearing how homeschooling doesn't provide that when, depending on the parents, it does. Not only that, but it can be provided more naturally than it is in public schools.