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Thread: Iguana

  1. #1


    My Iguana Iggy is my favorite pet. He is interesting and has lots of color. His tail is dangerous so we always have to watch out for it. Some of my family and friends don't really like him, so they ask we visit them.

  2. #2
    I have always thought an Iguana would make an interesting pet. Now with small children I hesitate to get one. Is it safe to be around kids? Where would you buy a pet like that?

  3. #3
    I don't really want a reptile for a pet. If I want a pet, I want something with fur on it, like a cow. Seriously though reptiles never did have any attraction for me. I guess it all depends upon what you like.

  4. #4
    I like Davis's pet better than an Iguana. I did have an Iguana in college, but my roommate decided to feed her spinach leaves..which they are deathly allergic too! Needless to say I was highly upset.

  5. #5
    My kids would like a pet like an iguana. I didn't realize that their tales were dangerous; do they have sharp barbs in their tale or what exactly makes them dangerous?

  6. #6
    The tale itself is not dangerous. It is when they start to whip it around that it may cause harm. It hurts like a whip does and can leave pretty nasty marks. Also be sure to wash your hands each and every time you or the kids touch him!

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