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Thread: Go away!

  1. #1

    Go away!

    My cat is so annoying! She has now started climbing on us when we are trying to go to sleep. She use to just sleep at our feet which was fine. And she is always up under our feet now wanting attention. Should I be concerned something is wrong with her?

  2. #2
    I think you hit the nail on the head, she wants attention. What kind of cat is she and how old? Any major changes in the household?
    You need to watch though because whether animal or person when attention is wanted they'll find a way to get it - good or bad; if the good doesn't work they'll start doing bad things (peeing on things, etc.) to get any kind of attention. Sounds like a smart cat though.

  3. #3
    Attention is the key I think. Our cats do the same, they climb on us and meow at the top of their lungs to get us up. They want to be fed most times. I have 2 cats that constantly climb on me.

  4. #4
    She is a 2 1/2 year old Siamese. We have a baby in the house now so maybe that is it? She never would come up to us or lay by use before the baby except to sleep at night. Luckily for us Yesmam we have an automatic feeder and water so that isn't it. And we do give her attention when we can, but when I am trying to sleep it is pretty annoying.

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