Spring is finally arriving! Yeah! But not so great is the finding of fire ants in the pasture. It really makes it hard to treat them when you have horses in the field, have to be so careful what to put down. I tried this method and am happy to say that so far it is working. I purchase the biggest no name brand of white vinegar I can find. Then I watch the anthill. They are very creative, and usually have two entrances to their colony. I pour the vinegar around the outer edge of the colony, then pour some down the main tunnel. Wait a few moments, and the ants come streaming out. Then you keep pouring a good amount of vinegar down the main entrance until the ants coming out slows down. At first the grass in this area turns brown, and the horses seem to stay away. After a few rains, this grass area does seem to come back. You may need to retreat the area over the next few days, but I have seen the guards come out to find out where the worker ants have gone. This signals the end of the colony. Your field may have the aroma that you just made dozens of dyed Easter Eggs though. :laughing: