To just get this new forum off the ground I thought I'd toot my own horn here.

I have, on my property, the Champion White Ash Tree in the State of Maryland. Here are a few pictures of it. I have one with my wife and one with my daughter next to the base for reference:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

It was measured last summer and had the following measurements:

Circumference: 15' 9"
Height: 113'
Crown: 103'

Total Points: 327.75

Trees are awarded points - 1 pt for each inch in circumference, 1 pt for each foot in height, and 1/4 point for each foot in crown.

When I bought the property in January 2001, this tree had Wild Flora Rose bushes all around and underneath it. There were vines growing in the lower branches. I have sinced cleared all of those out, and would suspect that the tree is going to start getting even larger now that it has more air flow and not having to compete for water.

Here is the link to the Big Tree Champions of Maryland. This is a .PDF file, and the White Ash is located on Page 6. If you visit this webpage, you'll notice there are a few others right on my tail!