Caesar, a wonderful St. Bernard, expired today.
Lynn (my wife) called me while I was out, "just wondering when I would be home", I could tell something was wrong. She told me that Caesar was dead. He apparently just laid down in the fence corner up by the driveway, as he would normally, and just never got up. There were no signs of struggle or pain, for that we are thankful. He would have been ten years old in December, which is fairly old for a Saint Bernard.
He was one of the best dogs ever, from an owners perspective. He was very loyal and made our home safe as no-one would dare enter the premises with him around. Respected by all, kind and gentle to those that knew him, or better yet, those that HE knew, he was the protector. We made him out to be a bit more fierce than he really was - it does not hurt to let folks know to be cautious, and not to come around while we are not there. He only ever bit one person, and she pretty much deserved it, she never came into the house again w/o escort. Good job Caesar, sorry, Lindsey. (It was not that bad, but, she did have bruises on BOTH butt cheeks!)
Although she would not admit to it (then), I knew that Lynn would sometimes bring Caesar and Camille into the house when I was gone hunting or elsewhere. She slept well then. I did not mind.
We laid him to rest this evening in our "pet cemetery", next to Sunshine, one of our all time favorite cats.
Caesar will be sorely missed, never replaced, and will always have a special place in our hearts and memories.