This is the kind of debate I love, Richard. We're both trying to save horses, from different ends of the spectrum.

Actually, when all was said and done, I paid $1425 for these two horses. They were actually from an auction in central NY, where representatives from meat markets buy horses. I don't know where the meat markets are. They could be Texas, but more likely Canada.

I had to reimburse the rescue group for the auction price, vet bills and transportation. I hope to do this again many times, and plan on getting involved with the rescue group to save more horses. I see no good reason for horses to die, if good homes can be found for them. Although I like to ride, I love horses, and have no problem keeping horses that can never be ridden. Horses can make wonderful companion animals. I spend more time playing and "hanging out" with my horses than I ever will riding them. I know many other people like myself, and plan on working with the rescue group to find homes for many horses. I think we can all agree that that is a good thing!

My vet is coming over Monday to examine these two horses, and if they need hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of vet bills, so be it. They are my animals now, and I'm responsible for them. Whatever they need, they will get, even if I have to put their treatment on a credit card and pay it off slowly. I did that for one of my dogs, and I'd do it for any of my animals.

I intend to get more horses. They will all be obtained through the same rescue group. Buying a helathy horse is fine, and I support people doing that. But if I, and many other people like me can find homes for horses that need them, then we will save a lot of equine lives. That's what I hope to do![img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]