Well West Nile has been overwhelming our area. I thought I was safe as we vaccinated everybody and spray our horses with mosquito and fly spray every few days. I came home tonight and couldn't find one of my broodmares. Her baby was up but didn't see her so I knew there was trouble. Found her at the other end of the pasture on her side and she wouldn't get up. Called the vet and he came out and sure enough West Nile. It doesn't look like she's going to make it. We got her to the barn and have put alot of meds down her but she's worse now than when we found her. Vet gave her about a 10% chance to make it.

What he said to really pay attention for is any kind of paralysis or what you think is lameness. If you notice your horse walking funny at all, think she is lame on a foot, etc. call your vet. My vet has been treating west nile around the clock and has been getting four to six new cases everyday. Doesn't look good.