<font color="red"> Reliving the stories like you told in your post helps but it is still hard.
</font color>
Yep, so here's another:
Caesar learned very early on how to tell if someone had "fear or not", most dogs have this sense, Caesar took it to new levels. It was kinda his way of determining "who was in control". Anyhow, my neighbor at the time had fear. He was (excuse me) a Candy-A$$ Wuss, actually, "putz" is how we referred to him then. BTW, at this point we are not talking about a 3 foot tall 170# animal, I am referring to a 6 month old growing puppy. John (the putz) would walk across his backyard to his shed. Caesar would see him come out, and he would kinda scrunch down, then as John got about 1/2 way across the yard, Caesar would jump and bark at him. He never went to the fence and growled or the like, he would just get his response and lay back down with a *-eating grin. I would bet $$ that more than once he wet himself, and on occasion he even looked like one of thosee cartoon characters that is running in the air. One more side note - there was a fence. One day my dad (RIP) was over, and this happened. John spoke "harshly" to the Old Dobber (first mistake) by saying something like, "HEY, why don't you control that dog!!" To which my dad replied, "Hey, why don't I just come over there and put this hatchet in your forehead?"

Sounds kinda rude now that I reread it... It wasn't. It was funny as all get out.