This weekend my wife and I decided to go horseback riding. She is a more experienced rider; therefore, she rides our 4 year old gelding QH 15.3HH, while I ride our 13 year old gelding TB 16HH. We usually go around 7:30 AM, since it is nice and cool. Lately, the weather here in FL has been getting cooler, so we decided to go after 9 AM. The neighborhood is busier after 9AM since more people are awake. On the way back after a 2 hour ride, we were within 2 miles of our home when we passed a residence. The homeowners were outside and so was their lousy Pitbull. Sure enough, the Pitbull comes running out of the yard, crosses the street and tries to go after the 4 year old QH. The horse spooks, and my wife does everything to keep the young horse under control. I yell at the owners to get control of their dog. So, they stand there and try to call there dog back! I warn the owners that one good kick from the horse will kill their dog. Of course, they just stand there! The dog backs off, and lunges again. I turn my horse around and charge the dog. What's funny, is the TB went after the dog, reared up and dropped down right in front of the dog! (I didn't ask the horse to do that) The dog ran for his life!! And the owner's stood their with their mouths open. Luckily, my wife got control of her horse, and moved on... Meanwhile I stood guard for a couple of minutes to make sure that stupid dog would not attack again.

Overall, why are people so stupid! I am glad I was not bicycle riding with my children... Would they have stood there again if the dog attacked us whild riding bikes?

As you can tell, I am still upset with those idiots!
