I just got my first digital camera today.

Part of the justification was to do nature photography. This is one whopper of a justification, because I also used it (in part) to buy a top of the line Mac computer and a ton of Adobe software. How could I pass up this package from the Apple education store: full versions of the latest Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, InDesign, GoLive, and LiveMotion......all for $399. That's $200 less than Photoshop alone.

Anyway, now I got all this powerful computer stuff and a fancy camera with buttons and menus up the gazoo and I barely know how to turn anything on. I'm sure I'll never use half this stuff and probably be unable to figure out the other half. But what's a hobby for, if not to waste money and time.

I've been putting my photo interest off too long. The death of Galen Rowell affected me because I met him 20 years ago before he became really famous. For those of you who don't know, he was possibly the greatest mountain photographer since Ansel Adams. He started out as a bona fide mountain and rock climber, taking magical photos while dangling off the noses of Half Dome, Whitney and Everest. He and his wife died in a light plane crash a few months ago. He leaves behind a legacy of a million beatiful pictures. What creative thing will I leave behind. Nothing, so far.

Thus photography. Hopefully, I can take some decent shots, improve my technique, fool around with sinful post-processing, and put pictures up on my own website for my scattered family to see. I'm probably going to need some telephoto and macro capability to get serious with nature.

This is just a rambling way of inquiring whether anyone out there has interest or expertise in nature photography they would like to share in the future.