Acorns do not techincally fall under crops unless you use the term "crop of acorns" so I will post under this forum.

Has anyone else noticed what a bumper crop of acorns there is this year? I have not paid too much mind to all acorns but have specifically noticed the white oak acorn crop is more than I can ever remember seeing.

I was visiting family in south Ark. last weekend and saw more white oak acorns than a herd of deer could eat lying under one huge old white oak tree in the back yard. There were so many acorns on the ground that it looked like a dump truck had dumped a load of them under the tree. I also noticed that every white oak tree in the woods was also depositing an abundance of acorns on the ground. In years past it seems that certain white oaks would produce acorns on a regular basis but the majority of them never ever had any acorns. This year seems to be the exception. Every tree in the woods has acorns lying on the ground underneath them and there is a constant sound of acorns falling to the ground no matter where I go. It is plumb dangerous to stand under the oak in the backyard right now... might get conked on the head with a big ol' acorn at any time.

I guess I really notice the white oak acorn crop every year because where there are white oak acorns there is a good chance you will find deer there too. Not so this year! There are so many acorns that the deer have not been able to keep them cleaned up off the ground. Are the acorns as plenitful in other parts of the country as they are in south Ark. or is this a local thing?