Automotive electrical problems are so much fun. The console lights on my '95 Dodge Caravan went out a few months ago. I paid something over $100 to get a new headlight switch because those lights feed through the dimmer part of that multi-switch unit. That seemed to fix the problem for a while, but they went out again. I then paid about $70 for the shop to locate and fix a "burned" wire...I think that's what they said. So this time when the lights went out again, I decided to pull the dash and play with the problem myself. Getting the dash off is no biggie....once you learn the tricks. However, I could find no problem with the wiring, and another headlight switch, from the junkyard, doesn't do anything. I found a wiring diagram at the library which seems to indicate a likely place to look is the body computer. All the affected lights are fed from there, and the connectivity between all the points I can find is good....but I can't find the body computer. The diagram says "right side of steering column", but I don't know if that means attached to the right side, or just on that side. There are two clamshell type covers on the column that I couldn't get off because I didn't have the necessary star-type driver, but the wiring going into the column doesn't look as if that's where the body computer is. I'll get the tool so I can take a look, and I'll probably also try the library again to see if the actual location is better described somewhere. Thought I'd see if anyone had any ideas.
