I have been talking about learning to weld for a couple of years... so the wife buys me a welding helmet and gloves and a hammer and a few things for welding and says "just do it". So now I have to figure out the kind of welder and how to get myself learned.

My applications are simple hobby and tractor type stuff. Repair to the tractor and attachments, looking at being able to make attachments or various brackets for tie down on the trailer and shelving etc. Nothing that is crucial and nothing that would hold ones life or limb in the balance.

My thoughts are stick or mig (wire feed) - I understand stick is classic heavy metal very flexable but more difficult to learn. Mig is easier to learn but not for a heavy applications.
I would like a 110 unit but understand that limits me in the thickness. So I am leaning towards a Lincoln SP135 or the 175 both wire feed units.

Second, I was going to get a book and teach myself for now. I have looked at the local Jr college but can't afford the time to take a course that meets 2 nights a week. Work doesn't allow.

I could use any advice and recommendations from the brain trust out there. Thanks.
