Since last summer was our first summer of country living we were caught up in just being in a beautiful setting and getting critters. We did learn one thing from our friends who are now on this forum. Always, Always have pens built before bringing home critters. Especially pigs, sure turned the city truck into a country truck FAST.

Anyway we are starting to till for our garden this year, until the snow hits, I haven't had a garden since the stone age and do not want to plant more than is necessary. There are two of us and I would like to be able to can and/or freeze veggies for the winter. I have never in my life canned before but I have prepared veggies for the freezer.

Any suggestions re crops, prep, etc will be appreciated. Bob/Ont has helped me with the bean crop and preparing the area. So we know that much, I think.

Thanks so much.