Today, My wife asked me what I thought about a 3 prong electronic Soil PH tester she saw in a magazine. I told her that I didn't, but that I would do a little research on the subject.

I have searched TBN/CBN and the majority of threads talk about taking samples to the county extension office to have the soil tested.

In the alternative, what is the collective's opinion on the various types of do-it-yourself PH tests (e.g., handheld electronic, litmus(?), etc.)?

From other threads, it seems the biggest advantage of the extension is that they would tell you (or at least they told others, I would hope they would tell me too) how much of which thing (lime, fertilizer etc.) to put on each acre. I will most likely go the extension route, but I wondered about the DIY testers.

This is our sophomore garden and we are expanding. First garden on our own property, so I will be discing under who knows how many years of weed growth, leaves etc. Any tips about discing, sight prep etc. I've been searching the forums on gardens so that my reality will now include gardening on a bigger scale than last year (20' X 25') so pointing me to previous threads would be appreciated. I'll eventually get to reading them.

