Starting early in the year 2000 we started looking for property to build a house on. We had to have certain technology available to us as both me an my wife work in the computer field so that limited the area we could chose. In April of 2001 we managed to acquire 10 acres of land for more then we wanted to pay and therefore had to split off two one acre parcels to make the project economically viable. One parcel was immediately sold to a friend, the other one has some "issues". So to make a long story slightly less long we decided to build on the one acre with "issues" and sell it in a couple of years and build again on the eight acres we really want our house on.

First problem was to get a sewer extension put in. The utility company required us to run a 10" main line across the whole front of the property. Took some big equipment & big $$$. This was done in February to avoid water table issues. Now we are waiting for a permit from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to build in the 100 year flood plain. The "rules" require the house floor will be about 2.5' above current grade, I can live with that.

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