Egon, That is true. There are folks of my aquaintance where one of the couple was originally from OK. I have met just as many that were not originally from OK. I have recently met two couples that were born and raised in Callifornia. Both ladies were from San Diego! This didn't know each other (or me) previously. My experience of course is very small compared to that of my friend in real estate. He met many more new arrivals to the state in a year than I might in 20. He detected somewhat of a trend. Perhaps there is a connection, however tenuous, where folks from OK living in California, sensitize Californians to the OK situationi. ??? Who knows. Not me! Don't know all the reasons they come but they do come. $/acre and decent climate and rural experience are factors I have heard mentioned.

Pat (Help us keep our secret, we don't want to be overrun with yuppies!)