Here is my situation. I am working on some property that I am buying from my grandmother. I hope to build a house there next year. The property has a creek that runs year round and about once a year or two we get that rare rain that get the creek way up. The creek has a high bank on one side, about 3 feet higher than normal level. There is one spot that the bank is only 6" to a foot and that is where the water comes spilling over. I want to fix the low spot and I want to fix it good. The spot is about 15-20 wide. I have consider stacking quik crete and driving rebar through the bags and then backfilling on the dry side with dirt. Any suggestions. I am attaching a picture of where my driveway will be and what it looked like back in May when we had about 3 hard days of rain. At this time I only added about 6" of dirt to my future driveway.