If I make my trip to Maine this summer it should run me about seventeen hundred dollars. The trip to Fort Kent and back (I chose Fort Kent because on the map it looks like it's right on the border of Canada, which would be the northernest tip of the US si'?)

Anyhoo, it amounts to right under or right over 3700 miles round trip by car. Hertz will let me have one for 398.00 for two weeks BUT wants to charge me a quarter for every mile over six hundred miles. Comes to about enough to BUY a car. Thrifty says they'll let me have one for 258.00 for two weeks and UNLIMITED MILEAGE.

While I was trying to figure out how Hertz stays in business, I got to searching for something that would tell me how many miles to the gallon the Kia Rio gets. Even if it's forty....which it should be more on the highway, that comes to roughly 93 gallons, and at even 1.75 a gallon that's only about a hundred and sixty five dollars. Now if you throw in forty bucks a night for a single motel room for fourteen nights, that comes to just under six hundred dollars.

Adding up the necessities not including food, that comes to 1023.00. Thereabouts. Now if you add say twenty five dollars a day for food for me and the Jen, that's another three fifty or a grand total of 1373.00.

So, by all rights I figure I should bring about seventeen hundred dollars, I know we can eat for less than twenty five bucks a day and I know that we can get gas cheaper than a dollar seventy five so that should be more than enough with some left to spare for inconsequentials, like visiting the site of the world's largest doughnut or something to that effect. My math is kind of shaky, but I think I have it figured out. So if I put up about seventy five bucks a week I should be hitting out there sometime in July.