Hello to all! I am new to this Forum and look forward to exchanging knowledge and ideas. I have a Lincoln AC stick stick welder, 40-225 Amps, some people call it the lincoln buzz box. I have not used it much except occasionally for welds with quarter inch steel. I am trying to fabricate a lumber rack for my truck using one and a half and one and a quarter inch steel tubing. The wall thickness of the tubing is 1/8 inch and 5/64 inch. I have been practicing with small pieces to practice my welds and I am having a terrible time.
I am positioning two pieces of the tubing perpindicular to each other and attempting to weld. I am constantly burning through the piece of tubing that has the end cut on it. I am using 3/32 E6013 rod and I have tried between 40-90 amps with no success. When I do burn through the tubing that is end cut I also have the hardest time filling in the hole.
Any help on the technique and rod and amperage on this welding project would be greatly appreciated since I need this rack yesterday.