
Can't figure out all these compilcated pre prepared firestarters.

All you got to do is find a big evergreen with some dead branches and then find a few larger dead branches and away youse go. If there be a little dried grass you have hit heaven.

Got one of those all purpose survival knives with a complete survival kit in the handle. Looks good but never travels the woods with me.

My son gave me a fancy lighter that works in almost all kinda conditions. Its in the backpack in case the matches don't work.

All a hatchet is good for is for making an emergency situation possible as well as added weight for a little extra excersize.

Iffin a saw is really required an 18/24 inch swede saw does just perfect. Even better is a small prunning saw as it tkes up les room and less weight.

The wire saw type that requires you make a fram for is best left in the store.

And then ifn youse be above tree line it's a different situation altogether.

Everyone to their own!!
