It's been so wet so far that I haven't been able to work up the garden for the early stuff. St. Pat's day is going to come and go with no potatoes in the ground! I'd just make mud balls if I tilled, but I did go out today and tore the ground up with my middle buster. If it was dry for about 2-3 more days I could probably till, but it's supposed to rain this afternoon. I really only planned to dig a couple of trenches for a new asparagus bed, but that only took a minute, so I went ahead and tore up the whole garden site. Won't do much good I suppose, but at least the dirt is showing now. By the way, my favorite site about growing asparagus is:

web page

Probably because it calls for the least work. After digging the trenches, I read that site again and found I was pushing the time on the asparagus planting. I'll wait about a month. Then I get to dig the trenches again!
