How good is good enough?
I've got a sizeable part of my front yard that I had filled last year trying to get rid of a low spot that collected standing water and mosquitos. I used fill dirt from a neighbors project which was a combination of gravel, rocks and topsoil. I raked it using my 6' Woods landscape rake before winter. I raked it again a couple of weeks ago. Both times it looked like I had done a decent job, but I was still looking at sizeable stones the next time I looked at it thinking it was time I could put down some grass seed.
I"m thinking there is some settling and shifting going on and am wondering if one final go-over with the landscape rake and putting the seed down will help keep a top layer or if I need to keep raking until the rocks no longer rise to the surface. I'm really hoping I don't need to hand rake this area and am also wondering if once I have grass to mow, if driving over it to mow will help keep the rocks in check. It seems like I could spend the rest of summer trying to get a perfect top layer and would really like to get something planted now, if it will turn out OK.

Any advice would be appreciated and is needed.
