Hey, folks, I'm back for more expert opinions! Our two new horses, 3-year-old geldings, came home four days ago. These are the only horses here, and they were born and raised together. Where we got them, they were living in the pasture in a herd of about 20-30 horses, mostly young, 2 and 3 year olds, and some brood mares. Here is my question: Since they've been at our place, they are in a pasture of about 3-1/2 acres, full of good timothy grass. However, they seem unwilling to approach the water trough to drink. For a couple of days we were hauling water out to them in buckets.
The last two days it has been raining, so we haven't been quite as concerned. We tried moving the trough further from the barn and the fence. We also got them a brand new Rubbermaid 100 gallon trough, which they should be used to from the breeder where they used to live. How worried should we be? Any ideas on what else we can try? Thanks so much!