Howdy all....I'm new to CBN and come here by way of TBN. Fair wife and I are in the early planning stages of building the ultimate horse barn. Our plan is to not only board our horses there but several others for "profit" as well.

Everyone that has ever had a horse barn of their own or has boarded at a barn elsewhere has seen some good things, some great things and some REALLY HORRIBLE THINGS!!!!

Here's what I'm looking for....if you were going to build the quintessential horse barn, how would you design it, what would you put in it, what have you seen that you would NEVER DO IF YOU HAD TO DO IT OVER AGAIN?

Background: We're buying 20 acres of tilled farm land that is contiguous with our home 13 acres. There will be at a minimum 60x120 indoor riding arena with attached heated observation area/office. Stable section will be attached directly to the Riding arena. That's it...that's the only thing that is set in stone.

What would you do if you could do it........

Thanks in advance for your feedback.....

Windknot aka Sean