I was thinking about looking for a new dog, our shepard passed in July'04, and getting lonely for a inside dog. Up until the shepard I had Mutts and did very well w/ training and very eager to please. I hadn't run onto any major quirks that I couldn't clear up. Now it seems that looking for a dog they all have a breed attached to them. The shepard was a chicken eater and we kept the chickens in the coop until he passed, but now they are free-range, I like that more, I want to keep them out. So do you think that there are certain breed dogs that are prone to eating the chickens or it like something that is in them or not? I was going to rescue one, I think they know thier animals more than shelters, I wanted housetrained young pup, not a puppy, just want to get to the fun stuff. Also, wasn't sure about some of the working breeds because although I'm out taking care of and playing w/ the cows and horses morning and night, I don't want one that wants to work to death. I'm not sure that I "work" enough for them. I also want a buddy to watch TV w/ me at night, too. Beagles are out too, they run away, only livestock fencing. Anyone have any ideas, breeds that you have that live on a farm nicely. Sorta of a target group.
I used to do obedience in H. school and college and was looking at getting into that again too.