OWWWWW, cummon Roho... Texas has everything but maybe in this instance your Marlin are just a tad smaller and you don't want to talk abouit it!

I have only dressed out (butchered?) one Marlin, a small one weighing in at a tad over 155 lbs. Great fresh, frozen, or smoked.

Here is another finger food...

Rip or cut some chicken meat off the bones of a dead chicken and whack it up into large bite sized pieces with no extra fat, no skin, and no bone or grissle. Lay each morsel on an individual piece of foil and turn up the edges to hold liquid. Sprinkle on generous portions of soy sauce and then wrap up the pieces. Leave air space inside but seal tightly. Grill or bake.

Same story with beef, pork, lamb, etc. You can vary the sauce. It doesn't have to be soy. With soy you get "paper chicken", "paper beef", etc. like at a chinese joint. With BBQ sauce you get BBQ whatever. You can do fish but I don't recommend lemon because of the acid reaction with the aluminum foil.

If is surprising just how many of these can be consumed by so few people in so short a time.

They can be used as the main course as well as great hors'doeuvres (traditional spelling, French) Strange snacking practices those French! They eat mayo on their fries. Anyway hors'doeuvres is French (primitive rural Gascone) for horses ovaries but now applies to virtually all finger foods.

[img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Pat [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]