OK folks here is grass 101: The leaves on grass are like little solar panels providing the energy to convert nutrients and moisture into more grass. Grasses with runners and lots of leaves low down on the plant retain lots of "solar panels" even when mowed short and so they recover and grow back easily. Grasses that have few leaves really close to the ground are stunted in their growth by close cropping (mowing or grazing.) Once you have picked an appropriate grass for your use (as well as climate and such) and it is established then close cropping will slow the growth dramatically. This interferes with drought tollerance so be prepared to have to sprinkle it if you get drought conditions.

45% scale???????????????? Some of us get in and fly planes of that general size!!!!!!!!!

Chemical imballance will also stunt growth of plants in general. You can mess with the pH (fairly easily and easy to correct) or do something drastic like introduce a series of light saltings untill growth is slowed enough. This is a more drastic approach and EXTREMELY difficult (read costly) to reverse but is innexpensive to do and is effective. Make haste slowly with salt as overdoing it is a problem.

[img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Pat [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]