I have a concrete slab 34 X 60, between house garage and tool shed.
It will be 2 years old in July 2005. I've noticed earlier this year that in
places around where the cars are parked that the surface is peeling.
When I first saw it, I thought something had dripped from the cars but
when I tried to clean it up, a thin outer layer of concrete came off...
It's not just one or two little spots but outline exactly where each car
and truck is part...

I'm sure the salt / water dripping off the cars has something to do with it
But why is this concrete effected and not my neighbors which is a couple
of years older...

The concrete applicator is pointing a figure at the supplier an the supplier
is pointing back at the applicator. I'm open to any opinions a suggestion
that might shed some light on this...

Thank You All In Advance...

West Michigan