<font color="blue"> Blue, How often and how long does your area suffer outages in general? </font color>

Wow! Long time no post! [img]/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

Anyway, to answer the question, "I don't know."

Will that get me on the news tonight? [img]/forums/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

We've only been here since July, and have had one so far. Lasted about 3 hours. Neighbors tell us to expect several during the winter, and also during hurricane season (we get spin-off storms), and they may last for a few days, worst case. 5 days once, IIRC.

Excellent info on diesel vs. gas, Pat. Makes sense. I'm hankering for a low RPM diesel, but that may not be my best choice.

It's CERTAINLY not my budget!